BACnetP2 Auto Mapping Game Changer

Siobhan Noffke 12 May 2021

BACnetP2 Integration

Retrofitting, upgrading and integrating Building Automation Systems is a great way to keep on top of energy efficiency and health and safety regulations, as well as keep systems as cost effective and efficient as possible. But not all systems are easy to upgrade, or integrate with. When it comes to Apogee, a legacy system which communicates on a proprietary protocol, it can seem daunting to even think about upgrading the system. That's why we developed BACnetP2, to make your life easier. And when it comes to mapping, BACnetP2 really does make your life easier.

What is mapping?

When upgrading software or integrating building automation systems, the existing system points must be “mapped” to the new software. Usually, mapping the points in a system, or point mapping, must be carried out manually. Where systems are large, this requires a substantial number of engineering hours for the full system to be mapped. For context, there are often more than 20,000 useful points in a system.

BACnetP2 and Auto Mapping Apogee systems

BACnetP2 automatically maps the P2 system. This is a game changer for integrating and upgrading apogee systems, as the cost-intensive manual mapping is a key reason for why many people don’t want to, or can’t afford to upgrade their software, or expand their controls. BACnetP2 cuts out the inhibiting cost of manually mapping the whole system, as well as saving you time. Leaving you with no reason not to upgrade or expand your apogee controls.

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